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Biotechnologische Produktion ist unsere DNA

Die Richter-Helm Biologics GmbH & Co. KG aus Hamburg ist seit über 30 Jahren ein Lohnhersteller für biopharmazeutische Produkte. Mit großer Expertise im Bereich der DNA-Impfstoffe war das Unternehmen während der Pandemie für große US Entwicklungsunternehmen ein wichtiger Produktionspartner.
Mit neuen Produktionsanlagen will das Unternehmen jetzt seine Kapazitäten für die kommenden Jahre weiter ausbauen.

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A guide to the analysis of plasmid DNA

Plasmids are circular, double-stranded DNA molecules of various sizes originally found in bacteria, archaea and eukaryotic yeast. They replicate independently of chromosomal DNA and are easily genetically modified. Plasmids can be used for a variety of pharmaceutical purposes: as the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) in DNA vaccines to prevent viral infections or cancer development; as critical raw material, starting material or ancillary material for viral vector production; or as template for mRNA-based products.

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Delivering flexible and transparent manufacturing processes

Developing and manufacturing microbial-derived biopharmaceutical products require deep expertise and reliable solutions that can guide a project to success while meeting evolving industry standards. To this end, pharmaceutical companies need expert partners capable of bringing promising cures to the market on time, regardless of scale.

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Leveraging Experience To Support Biologics Manufacturingfrom Gene to Product

In recent years, customer requirements for contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) services have changed. CDMOs have developed into partners, consultants, and providers of specific services, all preferably coming from a single source. Richter-Helm is one driver of a transparent, flexible, guided, and solution-oriented way of partnership, offering its clients a full-service approach along the entire journey from gene to finished product.

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Biotech-Unternehmen mit ausgezeichneter Recruiting-DNA

We at Richter-Helm are extremely proud of being awarded the Recruiting-Excellence-Audit® (RExA) of Our whole recruiting processes were analyzed based on hundreds of factors. User-friendliness of the online application form, the job interviews and the onboarding at Richter-Helm all showed great performance. “Richter-Helm responds quickly and professionally to applicants requests. The subsequent onboarding is also exemplary. 83 percent of the new colleagues rated this as good or very good.” stated

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Hoffnungsträger aus Hamburg

Seit mehr als einem Jahr hält Corona die Welt in Atem. Nun herrscht Erleichterung darüber, dass dank der Entwicklung von Impfstoffen mit der Immunisierung der Bevölkerung begonnen werden konnte. Auch Richter-Helm ist an der Produktion eines Impfstoffes gegen COVID-19 beteiligt.

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